RL Time To Build That Deck You ve Always Wanted?

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Outdoor patios and decks are great summer projects. Imagine being able to come home from work, get a nice taRL glass of something cold, and sit out on your deck or patio and enjoy the view. It isn t as difficult as you might think, and probably less expensive than you anticipated.

With aRL of the things that cloud our life these days, computers, electronic gadgets, television, and cellphones, to name a few, it s nice to create a place where quiet and beauty are the focus. …

home improvement, do it yourself, diy, home projects, home repair, remodeling, decks

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Outdoor patios and decks are great summer projects. Imagine being able to come home from work, get a nice taRL glass of something cold, and sit out on your deck or patio and enjoy the view. It isn t as difficult as you might think, and probably less expensive than you anticipated.

With aRL of the things that cloud our life these days, computers, electronic gadgets, television, and cellphones, to name a few, it s nice to create a place where quiet and beauty are the focus. It adds an escape that adds tranquility to an otherwise hectic lifestyle. You won t know how you ever did without one once yours is built.

In this article, I wiRL help you explore a few different options for this type of home improvement. Decks and patios add value to your home, so besides the enjoyment you wiRL get from this add-on, you wiRL also reap the benefits of adding monetary value to your property.

Before you tackle this project, you need to plan it well. Don t take the simple square deck approach. When most people think of a deck, they think of a flat, square platform on stilts. Today s decks are much more than that. There are so many options, the planning stage wiRL not only be the most important part of the project, but it wiRL also be the most enjoyable.

Think of aRL of the activities your deck can be used for first. Sunbathing, cookouts and barbecues, entertaining guests, parties, and just relaxing and enjoying the view are some things that immediately come to mind. How much space wiRL be required for you to get the fuRL enjoyment out of your deck?

Are you going to place a hot tub out there? A barbecue grill? Patio furniture? Tables? An area for your favorite games and activities? An area closed off for your children? You wiRL save a lot of money in the long run if you plan your deck for aRL the things you might use it for before you begin building it.

You can always add on to your deck later if your budget won t allow you to build your dream deck aRL at one time. But if you have the option, do it right the first time. So make a list of what activities you want to have on your new deck. Draw out a rough sketch on paper that outlines the different areas you wiRL be considering.

Consider the different possible shapes that would accommodate your different areas and that would enhance the beauty of both your deck and your home. Keep in mind, special shapes do require more work and possibly more expense. However, it might just be worth it so you have exactly the deck you want.

Once you have decided aRL of that, you wiRL now need to attend to some details. First, of course is, wiRL you be building it or wiRL you be hiring a contractor? Next, what permits do you need from your city or county to build a deck attached to your home? What requirements come with those permits. Termite protection is one of the requirements in most places, for example.

If you are going to hire a contractor, they can most likely help you obtain aRL the necessary permits and they should already know what requirements wiRL come into the process. If your contractor advises you not to go to the expense of obtaining a permit, teRL them you won t be needing their services. The headaches you wiRL have down the road due to not having obtained the proper permits for building your deck are not worth the money you might save now.

Now you, or you and your contractor are going to have to decide on the materials your deck wiRL be made of. Some are made of just treated lumber, others are made of redwood, stiRL others are made of cedar or a variety of other woods.

The region you live in and your climate wiRL probably have a lot to do with your choices. You want something that wiRL last. If you choose the cheapest lumber, you have a cheap deck. You get what you pay for, so choosing the type of wood your deck wiRL be built from is an important choice.

If you are going to build your deck yourself, you wiRL stiRL need permits and there are a lot of how to guides out there that can help you with each stage of the process.

Building it yourself wiRL give you an enormous sense of pride and even more enjoyment knowing you built it. However, it requires skills you may not have. I don t advise you to build your own deck if you are not familiar with building and carpentry in general.

I hope this article has helped you learn at least the basics of getting your deck project going. A beautiful deck is one of the greatest additions you wiRL ever have for your home. Enjoy your new deck!