Daly City California Real Estate

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Daly City, California, is located in San Mateo County, 5 miles SW of San Francisco, California. Daly City has a population of 103,621. The majority of its residents work in nearby San Francisco, and Daly City has proven to be a popular and affordable place in which to live, play, and raise families.

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Daly City, California, is located in San Mateo County, 5 miles SW of San Francisco, California. Daly City has a population of 103,621. The majority of its residents work in nearby San Francisco, and Daly City has proven to be a popular and affordable place in which to live, play, and raise families. Indeed, many parks and services are geared towards families with young children, such as libraries and civic improvements. With homes that can accommodate large families, Daly City enjoys an ethnically diverse population and its restaurants and shops reflect this healthy diversity.

Daly City properties pool is 30,727 residential properties including Daly City new homes. The median age of real estate in Daly City is 1962. The average household size is 3.78 people. 10% are one-bedroom homes, 27% are 2 bedroom homes, 40% are 3 bedroom homes, 17% are 4 bedroom homes, and 4% are 5+ bedroom homes.

Homes With No Mortgage – 23%
Homes With Mortgage – 77%
First Mortgage Only – 56%
First & Second Mortgage or HELOC – 21%

Daly City Real estate Tax: Median Real Estate Taxes (2000) were $1,884 compared to 1999 Median Family income $ 68,365. Compare to the national median yearly Real Estate Tax $1,300 and the national median Family Income $42,000 (1999).

Daly City School District: Children make up 22.5% of Daly City population. Daly City has 23,278 under 18 years old residents, or 0.47 kids per one worker, or 0.76 kids per one household.

Daly City Real Estate & Daly City Homeownership

There are 5530.86 or 18% one-person households, 7681.75 or 25% two person households, and 5223.59 or 17% three person households in Daly City, California. Median residents age is 35.4, Senior citizens (65+) make up 12,486 or 12%% of Daly City population.

There are 49,640 workers (over 16 years of age) in Daly City. Of these, 77.98% drive to work. Approximately 17.84% of workers in Daly City take public transportation, primarily, the bus system as well as Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) trains. An estimated 1.34% walk to work.

Median Daly City homeowner’s housing expenses are 22%

Crime in Daly City (2003), crimes per 10,000 residents per year
Violent Crimes – 33.2
Robberies – 14.86
Aggravated Assaults – 16.02
Property Crimes – 209.61
Burglaries – 23.35
Larceny-Thefts – 143.79
Motor Vehicle Thefts – 42.46

When making a decision about buying real estate in Daly City California area, you should consider the area’s diversity. The following are Daly City’s statistical data:
Near Medium City –
Near Large City – San Francisco, California
Daly City Zip Codes – 94014, 94015
Daly City Area Codes – 650
White population – 25.9%
African-American population – 4.56%
Asian – 50.69%
American Indian & Alaskan – {-}%
Hispanic (of any race) – 22.27%
Median Family Income (1999) – $ 68,365%
Population Below Poverty Level – 7.01%