Health 3

Glycemic Index, a Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready To Burst?

Glycemic index ranks different carbohydrate foods depending on their potential to raise blood glucose levels. The ranking is on a scale from 0 to 100.Higher the Glycemic index, higher is the particular carbohydrates ability to effect a spike(rise) in blood glucose levels. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises …

Glycemic Index, a Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready To Burst? Read More »

Get Control of Your Acne

There are many varieties of acne and many different treatment plans. Technically called acne vulgaris, this skin disease affects millions of Americans annually. Nearly 85% of people develop acne at some time between the ages of 12-25 years. Almost everyone suffers from outbreaks of pimples at some point in life, making acne one of the …

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Focus on Trans Fat

There’s no doubt–carbohydrates have taken center stage in public discourse about dietary practices. You can’t turn on the TV, open a newspaper or walk past the office water cooler these days without hearing a debate about this nutrient du jour. Recently, however, increasing attention is being given to an all but forgotten part of our …

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Fitness Pros, Health Nuts, Office Slaves, And Home Bodies – Cash In On The Wellness Revolution!

Do you know anyone who needs to lose weight? HAHAHAHA! Stupid question, right? Let’s try this one: Do you know anyone whose health needs some improvement? HAHAHAHAHA! Stop it – this is supposed to be a serious article! How about this one: Do you know anyone who is financially set, and never has to worry …

Fitness Pros, Health Nuts, Office Slaves, And Home Bodies – Cash In On The Wellness Revolution! Read More »

Fighting Burn-out: Natural Help For Stress, Fatigue and Adrenal Insufficiency

The adrenal or “stress glands” are small, triangular shaped glands located on the top of the kidneys. Their function is to prepare the body’s resources to run or fight through the releasing of specific hormones. When this primitive, instinctive response is activated, blood is diverted from digestive system while our blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar …

Fighting Burn-out: Natural Help For Stress, Fatigue and Adrenal Insufficiency Read More »