Clickfunnels & Growth Hacking

So what exactly is growth hacking? The term was coined back in 2010 when people started to realise that they didn’t just need marketers. In fact, with the huge shift towards a startup culture, companies either grew quickly or died. Some of the most famous original growth hackers helped massive successes get off the ground. When they were looking for replacements as they left their jobs, they found it hard to get them. Advertising for marketers didn’t cut it – they needed a different description – enter the “growth hacker” – someone completely focused on growth, no matter what tools or innovations they needed. Maybe you’re look for a leadpages alternative. Growth hacking has since taken on a job description of it’s own and these days, one of the most important job titles in the internet industry is that of a growth hacker. Modern techniques for growth hacking have changed considerably and continue to evolve. The reality is that growth hacking has existed for a long time under different guises, think “McDonalds placing a store at every highway crossroads in the 50’s” – that is a while back. Modern internet marketing still uses the same principles but the platform has changed considerably. Look at these 8 steps to implement growth hacking: 1. Make sure your product is what people want. 2. You don’t target everyone – just your core audience. 3. Figure out your method of aquisition (is it viral – get referrals, sticky – create a really awesome customer experience or paid – spend $5 to aquire a customer worth $50). 4. Activate your leads – there’s no point having high conversion rates without happy customers spreading the good news. 5. Retain your customers – repeat customers are more likely to purchase. 6. Pay attention to your revenue – warm up your customers and test different strategies to maximise revenue. 7. Get more referrals – pay close attention to whether your customers would refer you to a friend. 8. Improve your product on a continual basis – never stop innovating and improving – it’ll help your retention. Along these lines, you can see how growth hacking is a core competency of any new internet product or service trying to make some waves. So maybe by now, you’re wondering what is clickfunnels? Growth Hacking Marketing Funnel Some major innovations have come out of the evolution of this growth hacking phenomenon. One of the major shifts has been this front-of-mind awareness the role of the “marketing funnel” in businesses, not just internet businesses but any business. In the past, the concept of marketing funnels was something marketing agencies were aware of. In the last few years however, funnels are everywhere – kids are using them, adults are using them, businesses are going wild for them. It’s mostly down to one particular software innovation, but i’ll get to that in a bit. For now, if you want a clickfunnels bonus, click here! Let’s just separate out the “Marketing Funnel” concept. OK – so what is marketing? Marketing amounts to effectively and efficiently bringing your goods and services to market. A market is a place where people buy and sell. A large proportion of the internet is dedicated to buying and selling. The internet is effectively the biggest, quickest and most efficient market in history. If any of you remember those economics classes from school where your professor was talking about the concept of a “perfect market”, this is it. Back when i was in school, this was more of an abstract concept – we were encouraged to imagine a perfect market. Get your clickfunnels free trial 30 days here, the internet comes pretty close. You can compare prices in real time and basically get the best price in an instant. A definition from the Financial Times lexicon: “A market in which buyers and sellers have complete information about a particular product and it is easy to compare prices of products because they are the same as each other etc.” – Yeah we are getting close to that. The second part of this topic is the “Funnel” – so what is that? What are the funnel secrets?Think about the shape of a funnel. You can even get a clickfunnels 30 day trial. It starts wide at the top and narrows at the base. Within marketing, the funnel starts with a wide net at the top – you are marketing to a large amount of people, then reducing that to leads (people who express an interest), then reducing that to hot leads (people who are likely to purchase), then reducing that to customers (people who have at least bought one thing), (you can even set up sales funnel for physical product) then reducing that to your best and repeat customers and eventually to your raving fans who buy everything you have for sale and rave about you continuously to everyone they know. So overall the concept of a marketing funnel, is to have a process in place that allows you to maximize the opportunity for profit at every step of this marketing behaviour. Think about casting the widest net possible while spending the least amount of money. If you are wondering how much is clickfunnels, you can check here. Then think about maximizing the chance of getting the attention of your leads. Then think about maximizing the chance of those leads taking action. Then think about identifying which of those leads are most likely to purchase and then maximizing the initial purchase of those leads. There’s loads of great information on funnel fridays! Then think about maximizing the chance of those initial customers buying more from you, becoming more happy with your product & service, then maximizing the chance of them becoming raving fans. So this is essentially what a marketing funnel is – it is a marketing infrastructure geared towards maximizing the impact of your marketing activities. Now, traditionally this type of marketing infrastructure has been complicated to implement and understand. You will be looking forward to going to funnel hacking live. Mostly, this was left to so-called “marketing geniuses” who constantly looked at the numbers, had the confidence to split-test and trial different tweaks and turns in the marketing activities. This could have been a very long process taking place over months and years, with expensive implementations and measurement and God knows, there must have been some catastrophic blunders and losses, besides some huge successes. In the last few years however, one particular guy and his team have capitalized on the power and technology of the internet and the virtually “perfect market” that exists there. Not only that, they have set it as their mission to educate and empower anyone as to how to implement a “marketing funnel” in their business. This is Russell Brunson – you can find russell brunson net worth and Clickfunnels and I am going to explain a bit more about this next.