
Title: Home loan education is es sential before taking out a mortgage Word Count: 460 Summary: A naive mortgage applicant will have problems. Keywords: refinance rates, home loans, personal loans Article Body: Taking out a new home loan can be a very daunting process. Large financial purchases are of course more technical relative to everyday …

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EKCS 10 Easy Tips To Refresh Your Space For Spring And Summer 2006

Word Count: 474 For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants. It’s the time of the season, friends! 1.Time to paint those bland winter walls! Neutral tones are just fine, but add in some of the cool blues and greens that are making a statement this Spring. Pastels and Ultra Brights are the spring …

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Title: Higher Education: Finding The Right College For You Word Count: 673 Summary: If you are approaching the end of high school and are ready to begin investigating colleges, there are several factors to consider before deciding what college is right for you. Whether you want to study medicine or painting, accounting or physical education, …

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